Danza Del Altiplano – Improvisation
This guitar lesson deals with how to learn the awesome classical guitar piece: Danza del Altiplano by Leo Brouwer. However the live improvised version. It has a series of videos that will walk you through how to practice & effectively perform each section of this piece. Giving fingering tips, any hacks, and many more insights into learning how to use the CAGED system to solo for yourself. Along with a free cheat sheet, see below.
Danza Del Altiplano/CAGED cheat Sheet
Grab your copy of the cheat sheet that goes along with these video lessons. It will help guide on the shapes you need to improvise on this piece confidently.
Learn Danza Del Altiplano

Danza del Altiplano is a piece Brouwer used to improvise over, and with, in his live concerts. Two of which were captured on recordings back in the ’60s. What you are going to learn in these three lessons:
- The opening extra improvisation ideas The shapes, and the scales, Brouwer is using to create harmony and ideas.
- The main section parts. This corresponds generally to the score you will find for sale. However this is stripped back to make it easier for print. So I will show you all the added extra ideas Brouwer utilises in his live concerts.

- The ending improvisation repeat. This is where you get a chance to make this piece your own and improvise over the structure. I will walk you through my improv and show you where I get the ideas from, and the shapes I am using to solo with.
CAGED System Lessons
Below is the start of five lessons on the CAGED system that will help you out to learn your fretboard, so you can be free to improvise on this awesome Brouwer piece.
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