Approaching Tango en Skai Roland Dyens
This post shows you how to learn, and effectively practice, the awesome Tango en Skai by Roland Dyens. It has a series of videos, and free study guide, that will walk you through how to practice and effectively perform this study. It is part of our #6stringinspiration direction.
Get Your Tango en Skai Study Guide
Grab your copy of the study guide to the awesome Roland Dyens piece, Tango en Skai, by clicking the link below. This piece topped last years poll on most sought after classical guitar piece to learn. All the micro studies in the videos below are tabbed out fully in the guide, with a host of extras. Why not join us and find out why this study helps you on the path to #6stringinspiration.
Learning to Learn Tango en Skai by Roland Dyens (Part 1)
This first lesson takes the 3 most technically challenging areas from Tango en Skai dissects the fingering options. But more importantly it gives you the template to actually solidifying this information, otherwise know as effective practice, and how to speed it up. So you will not only learn it securely, but you will have the information on how to make it fluid – and fast! Let’s face it, we all want to play this piece at speed, its fun and makes you look awesome.
Above is a small selection from the first part of the free pdf, the videos on this page will reference lessons taken from the free study guide – get your copy above. This first lesson concentrates on the many options available to fingering and playing the challenging sections. Can you figure out how many fingerings there are for each?
Tango en Skai part 2, the next set of challenges
This second lesson takes the next 2 most technically challenging areas from Tango en Skai and lays out the options and approaches to fingering them. But more importantly it gives you the template to actually solidifying this information. There is also a section for the tango staccato feel, the harmonics (where & how), and how to approach those 3:2 poly-rhythms, again a template for nailing the others in this piece, and other Roland Dyens pieces – he loves using them.
Tango en Skai Walk-through Part 3
This is the third guitar lesson on Tango en Skai, and it is a walk through of the features, hacks and little secrets that you need to be aware of in this piece. The video goes bar by bar through the first section highlighting any salient fingering, sign posts and techniques which are required to play that particular bar. You will need a full score for this video. Below are two links to buy the score. The first for Amazon USA, the second to Editions Lemoine for a Europe.
Editions Lemoine Tango en Skai
Tango en Skai Walk-through Part 4
This is the final guitar lesson on Tango en Skai, and it is a walk through of the second section, were all the fancy finger work is – the fast stuff! It includes hacks and little secrets that you need to be aware of in this piece. The video goes bar by bar through the seconbd section highlighting any salient fingering, sign posts and techniques which are required to play that particular bar. You will need a full score for this video, see above links.
Another Free Tango en Skai Lesson
Below is the video I did for Classical Guitar Magazine, back in 2017, on this awesome Piece. It has some extra clapping exercises in to that will really help with the 3:2 poly rhythms in this piece.
Approaching Series
This series aimed at getting closer to that classical guitar repertoire we all aspire to learn, and more importantly, play. Below is a short selection of lessons already up and available here at CGRocks.