Micro Study 25 – Left Hand Basics 1
Micro study 25 – left hand basics 1, is part of the – #6stringinspiration – series of short and sweet studies that target very specific ideas. These are for those who have very little time and want huge gains from tight focused practice ideas.
Micro Study 25 – Left Hand Basics 1
This is a left hand only exercise, which has two levels of difficulty.
KEY Strategy
Finger Control
Gaining finger independence is a slow process, but it is crucial to playing guitar-any style. Work on moving each finger at time down the fretboard slowly and mindfully. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when you do this, but foremost is make sure you are always, always in the sweet spot of the frets – inside right. That way you also train good tone, without playing a note.
If you do this exercise everyday, you will find not only will you finger independence improve but so should your tone. Only if you practice is carefully. Unfortunately the reverse is true, don’t nail the correct spot, and with no finger control and you are just improving a bad habit and tone.
Other Info
Note: This study uses the left hand only so that maximum concentration can be given to this exercise, which not only improves finger control but also has a bearing on tone production. Practice mindfully.
Only Move the Finger You Need
It is that simple, and that difficult! Make sure you fingers are moving one at a time only. Keep the other fingers glued to the string above, or below as you move. This is very clear on the video above.
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Click the link below if you want to go back to the beginning of the series.
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Want the Dots?
No music for this example, use the video above to walk through the 4 exercises.