Micro Study 3 – Legato part 1 – Hammer-ons
Micro study 3 – Legato part 1 – kicks off a new series – #6stringinspiration – of short and sweet studies that target very specific musical bars or techniques. These are for those who have very little time and want huge gains from tight focused practice ideas.
Micro Study 3 – Legato Hammer-ons
This is a very short work out for the left hand legato action.
KEY Strategy
Repetitions which decrease
It is based on a cycle of repetitions, exactly like weight lifters do, beginning long and then cycling down into shorter bursts. This maintains a workout and increases stamina. For the fingers it activates the fast twitch muscles as you go from 4, to 2, to 1 rep per finger combination. Use a metronome which speeds up incrementally to really work those fibres.
Other Info
Note: This study is limited to one nylon string and then one steel string. They are different and require different attack, energy and feel to become 2nd nature. So do not sit there and day dream – focus on this for very short bursts, concentrating on the feeling in your fingers, muscles and body.
Be aware of both hands
Speed not strength
Your ability to produce loud hammer-ons is down (pun intended) to a fast – relaxed – downward stroke, at the correct angle to the string. NOT!! Strength. So do not force the finger down.
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