YouTube Inspiration: Jazz Improv Playlist
These CGRocks post are here to provide some outside YouTube inspiration for your guitar practice and daily music habits.
This list contains some real gems of insight into improvisation, the ability to create music on the fly, from a wide variety of sources. There is Barry Harris and Bob Reynolds; Rick Beato, Martin Taylor.All amazing artists but let’s focus on one very briefly.
Of that list I would like to introduce Matt Warnock, and his life through his amazing jazz guitar teaching online and through videos – Youtube channel here. One seriously hard working musician, who inspires.
Dr. Matt Warnock is one of the dudes that motivates through his dissemination of knowledge – almost all of it free!!. So, and apologies here Matt (word limits and all that), in a nutshell: He is an alumni of Mcgill University, with a PhD in Jazz from University of Illinois and he has played guitar with a host of top flight musicians; and most importantly he also cares enough to share his life and knowledge in a variety of ways: from articles in Guitar World (here) to a lessons for Fundamental Changes (here) and examining for the Registry of Guitar Tutors (here).
So below are my top three videos, and this was a tough choice as no way have I seen all of them, but of the ones I have watched these are worth sharing. In no particular order other than what I can see on YouTube:
- Miles Davis inspired lick
2. Bass lines on guitar (not just Bach does it!).
3. Stella By Starlight solo guitar
So hopefully this little side trip gives you some insight and some inspiration for getting in and playing music, not just guitar!
Want more? Check out Rhayn Jooste’s YouTube Channel.