Classical Guitar Magazine
Have you got the Winter 2015 edition of the all new Classical Guitar Magazine?
If so apart from the amazing articles on Pablo Villegas, and Xuefei Yang there is a load of guitar porn from the Harris Collection within the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.
You may have also noticed that our Guitar Editor Rhayn Jooste has contributed an article for it.
Entitled Evolution of the Barre chord, the article delves into the various barre chords from the normal shapes such as E or A to more exotic shapes such as hinge and cross barres.
It has a fair few examples from Bach to Barrios to highlight the practical use of each barre.
If you are not too sure what these are and would like to know more, follow the link below and grab your self a copy. This article literally has something interesting for all abilities and is worth a read.
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