Learn Prelude 2 by Villa-Lobos
This post deals with how to learn the awesome classical guitar piece: Prelude 2 by Villa-Lobos. It has a series of videos that will walk you through how to practice and effectively perform this piece. Giving fingering tips, any hacks, and many more insights into learning this piece. Along with a study guide, see below.
Get Villa-Lobos Prelude 2 Study Guide
Grab your copy of the in depth study guide that goes along with these video lessons. Fully tabbed out, so there is no guess work to where your fingers need to go, along with all the left hand hacks and guides you need to perform this piece confidently. (Click below for your copy.)
Learn Prelude 2 by Villa-Lobos
This series of guitar lessons below will help you learn, and play, the spectacular prelude 2 by Villa-Lobos. With its whistling melodic opening and second section power chords. This is a challenging favorite for all classical guitarists, and (dare I say it) a rite of passage. Lets dive into this piece a little deeper below.
Learn the 2nd section first

Above is the first video in the series on prelude 2, and it deals with that challenging RH patterns in the second section. The main tip here is: there are only 2 RH patterns, so learn them on open strings first. Then learn the chords as a simple exercise in rock chords up, and down the fretboard. There are a couple of LH hacks here to keeping the tone even, along with RH fingering suggestions.
Join the Community
Join the CGRocks community and get lessons like Villa-Lobos Prelude 2 delivered to your in box. And that is just the tip of the lesson iceberg. This is the only place on the net where you can learn all 12 of Villa-Lobos’ etudes, step by step. Along with loads more.
What is next!?
Next in the series is Prelude No. 3 by Villa-Lobos, just click the link below.
This modern piece utilizes a lot of ideas from the 12 etudes so if you haven’t already it is worthwhile going over No. 8 & No. 6. See the links below.