Spotlight – A Better Way To Practice

Spotlight – A Better Way To Practice

A spotlight EDITORIAL post about the other side of actual practicing of the guitar; the better way to practice. In other words the cerebral side coupled with the art of being productive. In this case its an article about optimizing your time and  mental energy. So in the immortal words of one Ice-T lets kick the analogy off with:

“…my lethal weapon’s my mind.”

I am a massive fan of a blog site called the Bulletproof Musician. It is written by Dr. Noa Kageyama, a musician and trained performance psychologist. His posts are insightful, helpful and well researched. His blog, and I guess his philosophy, is geared towards helping you achieve your full potential; and his posts are always so positive. I feel like I have stood in sunshine for at least an hour. That being said I recently found an article he had written for another awesome blog site – Lifehacker. Even though this article, entitled A Better Way To Practice, is from 2012 it is well worth a read and a great way to kick off any new years resolutions you might have for wood-shedding with your guitar. It sets out the various methods utilized by professionals and coaches to help you find the answer to that eternal question we all have as musicians…

Am I practicing enough?

Article: A better Way To Practice


Classical guitarist who strives to share a little #6stringinspiration.

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