Approaching Etude No. 5 Villa-Lobos

Approaching Etude No. 5 Villa-Lobos

This post deals with how to approach learning the awesome Etude No. 5 by Villa-Lobos. It has a series of videos that will walk you through how to learn and effectively practice this study, with extra lessons on planting and nailing the texture. It is the fifth in the series for the #villalobos12in12 challenge.

Approaching Etude No. 1

Approaching Etude No. 2

Approaching Etude No. 3

Approaching Etude No. 4

Get the Study Guide

The video lesson below correspond to the free guide which you get when joining the challenge. So why not challenge yourself today with etude No. 4.

Fill in your details and get your copies of Etude No. 1 study guide straight to your inbox now – FREE!


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#villalobos12in12! what is that?

I bet, like me, you want to play all 12 of Villa-Lobos’ awesome studies? And not just kind of perform them, but actually play and understand them!

Have you found it a little tough to get some of them started, or even finished? Well I have created a unique method for learning these awesome studies. The intro video below explains what it is all about.

If you haven’t got it already, here is the best edition to buy currently for Villa-Lobos’ 12 Etudes.

Zigante Edition on Amazon

If you’re wondering why! Check out this detailed post on all the current editions available, and why I have chosen this particle one; or which recording to buy.

Full of detail and long post on editions

Review of the Best Recordings of the Etudes

Short Cut Tip

The short cut tip is practice both hands together in small chunks, slowly and mindfully. Do not rush this etude, it has a lot to offer your classical guitar technique for making melodies stand out.

Learning Etude No. 5 & RH Control

Etude no. 5 classical guitar lesson

The video below walks through learning etude no. 4. The approach taken to this study is the same as no. 1. Hands are separated and you work on basic open string exercises, to learn the patterns, and the LH chord shapes. Check the video out for full details. And again all example are fully tabbed out in the free study guide, get it now in your inbox and follow along.

Melody & Bass Gets Serious

Villa-Lobos etude 5 classical guitar lesson

The video below steps through the second section of etude no. 5. This is where Villa-Lobos begins to develop his melody and bass ideas across the fretboard. Guide fingers, common fingers and lazering ahead are going to be key words here. Check out the video for full details.

Harmonic Minor Scale Section

villa-lobos etude 5 classical guitar lesson part 3

The video below steps through the third section of etude no. 5. Here we have the second biggest section of this study, and one in the G harmonic minor scale. There is lots of detailed LH work, along with an intention minor/major 3rd clash, part of his Brazilian roots. Check out the video for full details.

Getting To The End

Classical guitar lesson villa-lobos etude no. 5

The video below steps through the fourth section (part a) of etude no. 5. This details the two main bridge ideas in this study, along with arguably the toughest bar (48), in this piece. Check out the video for full details.

Getting To The End

villa-lobos etude no 5 ending

The video below steps through the fourth and final section (part b) of etude no. 5. This video steps through the ending, where to play all those C basses, no its not all in first position, and how to nail the harmonics. Check out the video below for full details.

The end?

Etude No. 6 Next

Next in the series is Etude No. 6 by Villa-Lobos. This study focuses on playing chords, and solidifying RH control. It is a great  piece and will really challenge your overall playing technique for classical guitar.


Classical guitarist who strives to share a little #6stringinspiration.

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