Approaching Etude No. 3 Villa-Lobos
This post deals with how to approach learning the awesome Etude No. 3 by Villa-Lobos. It has a series of videos that will walk you through how to learn and effectively practice this study, and a load of extra lessons on slurring. It is the third in the series for the #villalobos12in12 challenge.
Get the Study Guide
The video lesson below correspond to the free guide which you get when joining the challenge. So why not challenge yourself today with etude No. 3.
Fill in your details and get your copies of Etude No. 1 study guide straight to your inbox now – FREE!
#villalobos12in12! what is that?
I bet, like me, you want to play all 12 of Villa-Lobos’ awesome studies? And not just kind of perform them, but actually play and understand them!
Have you found it a little tough to get some of them started, or even finished? Well I have created a unique method for learning these awesome studies. The intro video below explains what it is all about.
If you haven’t got it already, here is the best edition to buy currently for Villa-Lobos’ 12 Etudes.
If you’re wondering why! Check out this detailed post on all the current editions available, and why I have chosen this particle one; or which recording to buy.
Full of detail and long post on editions
Review of the Best Recordings of the Etudes
Short Cut Tip
So, there is no short cut tip for this etude. There are however a bunch of lessons here on CGRocks which cover the basics to slurring, hammer-on & pull-off techniques; two etude no. 3 starter lessons (directly help with this study) and then some fun lessons, from a snippet of a concerto Madrigal by Rodrigo (for 2 guitars) to a challenging perpetual motion workout inspired by Rodrigos Aranjuez concerto. All of which help learn to slur, but in a musical context!
Basic Technique Lessons
Master Micro Study 3 – slurring technique
Etude No. 3 Starter Studies
2 Guitar Lessons
Micro Study 11 – Rodrigo part 1
Micro Study 12 – Rodrigo part 2
Micro Study 13 – Rodrigo part 3
Micro Study 17 – 2 guitar parts for above
Aranjuez Inspired Slurring Challenge
Slurring and Shifting

The video below walks through learning etude no. 3. The approach taken to this study is the same as no. 2. It also requires a slightly more detailed approach to learning the notes in each bar. Check the video out for full details. And again all example are fully tabbed out in the free study guide, get it now in your inbox and follow along.
Slurring, Guides and Hinges

The video below walks through the 2nd part to etude no. 3. Here we move across the fretboard more, and dive into using guide fingers to make certain measures easier. Along with building in hacks, such as hinge barres, to help with transitions. Check the video out for full details. And again all example are fully tabbed out in the free study guide, get it now in your inbox and follow along.
Slurring & Even Tone

The video below walks through the 3rd part to etude no. 3. This section deals with slurring and barre technique as well as maintaining even tone across your hands. Check the video out for full details. And again all example are fully tabbed out in the free study guide, get it now in your inbox and follow along.
More posts will be added as we move through March 2019
The end?
Etude No. 4 Next
Next in the series is Etude No. 4 by Villa-Lobos. This study focuses on RH repeated chords, and higher fretboard positions. It is a great piece and will really challenge your LH’s ability to barre, and your RH chordal finesse.